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📢 Оголошується прийом дітей до 1-го класу❗️ 

Комунальний заклад «Маріупольський навчально - виховний комплекс «колегіум-школа» № 28 Маріупольської міської ради Донецької області»
оголошує прийом дітей до 1-го класу на 2022-2023 навчальний рік.


Електронна реєстрація на платформі БЛОКЧЕЙН
👇Реєструйсь скоріш 👇



Distance education

Distance education is an opportunity to study and receive the necessary knowledge remotely from the educational institution at any convenient time. The Regulations on Distance Education and the Concept of Distance Education Development in Ukraine regulate the rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process.


Counteraction to coronavirus  COVID-19

We remind you of the basic rules for the prevention of coronavirus, recommended by the Ministry of Health:

  1. Wash your hands with soap for 30 seconds, do this every time after a walk and before a meal;

  2. Do not touch the face with unwashed hands;

  3. Keep a distance of at least three steps with people. Especially with those who cough, sneeze or have a runny nose;

  4. Do not eat raw meat, fish and eggs, heat the food;

  5. Strengthen your immunity. Eat fruits and vitamins, go in for sports.


Admission to the first class

  An honest queue that can't be faked - how does it work?

  What is a blockchain? Blockchain is a technology that prevents data falsification.

  What is the technology used for?   We use blockchain technology to eliminate the possibility of manipulating the queue of children.

  How does it work? All data on applications for admission is stored in a distributed register, which cannot be forged

Auxiliary sites

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